Week 4 - Tavistock marketing strategy
Today I arrived at the Gallery and Damien set me the task of marketing the Tavistock Festival. This took the form of both physical and digital marketing.
First I went about searching “free festivals” on Google’s search engine, then from there creating a page for Tav in each and all of the events platforms. Secondly, Damien showed me the way MailChimp can be used to spread the events visibility on a more direct level than posting it on platforms. After that, we decided to do some physical marketing, going to nearby galleries, shops, handing out physical flyers and discussing the event in person .
This day was super valuable as I got first hand insight on how to market an event. I understand now the ways in which each marketing strategy has a different effect, and from there being able to prioritise which one would be the best for the job at hand. My future plan for marketing would involve me going in person to galleries, handing my portfolio and discussing my work as I believe it’s the most effective for connecting on a peer-to-peer basis.