Week 1 - Networking on day one.

Coming from art school and experiencing a glimpse of the art worlds inner sanctum first-hand, filled me with enthusiasm. I felt hesitant when approaching artworks and artists, meeting gallerists, technicians and even film directors, as I was treading into foreign territories. 

I was initially anxious as it was my first day, I forced myself to overcome this due to the opportunity that this internship presented. I talked to Maya Sanbar who linked me with an award-winning Iranian filmmaker, Taghi Amirani. Iā€™m hoping to go for a coffee with him to discuss how he approaches the cultural issues I do, with the aim of enlightenment but also to build a bridge between myself and him.

The second individual I talked to in-depth was Mikei Hall, a senior technician at Tate Britain. We discussed his job in-depth and I expressed my interest in his industry role. I explained the depth of knowledge I had as a technician and fabricator and he offered me a potential in, telling me to send my CV over to him on July the 19th with the aim of shadowing him and eventually securing a role as a Junior tech.

I also managed to talked to many gallerists about my work, all of which seemed interested about my work. Alongside this, I got invited to a private view on the 6th, an opportunity to meet even more interesting people. I went to bed on the 1st with hope and comfort, but most importantly more excitement about what the future holds.


Week 2 - Understanding how to curate


Week 1 - KCAW visit