Week 2 - Discussions with local gallerists

Myself and Damien are planning on going to meet gallerists today, for multiple purposes. Firstly a continuation from the previous day, learning how other galleries run, their models and also their purpose/motive as a gallery. I wasn’t previously aware of the ways in which galleries can become multi-purpose spaces, either to further develop artists, create another flow of income or expand their cultural outlet. One of the most spectacular spaces/organisations which we visited was Unit 1 Gallery, Stacey the gallerist/leader of the space explained her focus on artist development. She has over 80 artists involved each year, residency programs and also other development strategies. Though she also explained that they run almost purely on open calls for their residencies, a potential future opportunity for myself, which leads to the second purpose, networking.

Prior to today, I prepared a series of questions, one which would allow me to evaluate if my opinions and approach resonate with a gallery/gallerist, so I can make a more educated decision when perusing future opportunities. Though out of the 5 spaces we visited today, there was only one gallerist which I resonated with enough for me to begin to network and tell them about my practice. This was the Serena Morton Gallery, Serena took time to discuss her passion for her work, she was considered when approaching and replying to me and also it was the first gallerist who had returned the same level of curiosity I had towards them, back. She discussed her love for helping the industry stay alive, her dislike of commercialization and also her focus on supporting artists throughout the entirety of their career. She expressed her future plans on a second space, in which her focus would be on younger artists, she offered me the potential at being a part of her future, in essence, she offered me her contact and support. I feel so honoured that I have the privilege of meeting these individuals and cannot thank the members of this internship enough.

Portabello Road Radio was also having their weekly show at The Muse, I met the hosts and discussed my work and role in the internship briefly with the plan of having a full-blown feature on the radio show later that day. Though unfortunately I couldn’t continue with the day and had to cut it short as I received some bad news regarding a personal matter, Damien was extremely understanding and respectful of my situation and has given me nothing but support, I am deeply thankful for this.


Week 3 - Networking and shadowing technicians


Week 2 - Understanding how to curate