Week 2 - FairArtFair App
Yesterday we started the day with a staff meeting about the FairArtFair app. We talked about the upcoming new features, how to reach out to our target audiences and possible collaborations. I had the chance to shadow my colleague Soo and understand her thought process when she makes videos to showcase tools, features and news about the app. It was interesting to learn a little more about the software she uses and methods of making. We brainstormed together what the video would be about and how to communicate the message.
I got to work a lot with the app and to use the features, and it’s a really exciting thing to be helping out with an app that is a brand new experience. Through using it we also discovered areas of improvement that we then would proceed to forward to the software developer. I also got to hear about what’s going to happen next at Unit1 Gallery Workshop and it seems like an eventful autumn coming up with exhibitions and other things happening!
Today I continued helping out with the App content and to hear about an upcoming workshop to introduce artists to the different features and how the app can help you get discovered, which I think is a pretty cool thing about FairArtFair that everyone gets a chance to show their art to the world and to connect with curators and art lovers.
Tomorrow I will continue working with the interface and choose some images for a specific section, I am really interested in photography and think that it will be a fun assignment. Also it will be important to think about what an image really communicates so that the users clearly understands at an instant what the image represents. I think I will need to think from a user perspective from someone using the app for the first time, how they can navigate in the app with ease with help from the photos we are choosing.