Week 3 - Meeting Jose and managing the gallery
On Friday, I met Jose at the gallery. Jose is a chosen resident for the next run of residents. Meeting him was a great opportunity to meet an example of the artists that The Muse select for their residency. I talked to Jose in-depth about his work, his fuel and also the rhythm of working as an early level career, balancing jobs, finding time to work, funding your practice and also how to sustain your conceptual health throughout the emerging years of your practice. After this discussion, we realised that we shared a lot of the same philosophies regarding our approach and also our conceptualisations. He told me I should consider doing a part-time degree at RCA to further criticise the questions I have about philosophy and conceptualisation.
I also spent that day as the gallery manager, introducing the audience to the work, discussing the prices, Paul Smiths conceptual and cultural background and also helping set up Portabellow Road Radio station. By the end of the day, I began feeling comfortable with the typical tasks at hand when managing the gallery, and also the rhythm of communicating with the audience members.