Week 8 – Technical with Portobello Radio and more art philosophy with Damien
Today when I arrived at the Muse we initially started the day off crystallising the plan I have with opening my own space and also the funding application with Damien. The aim of this conversation was to understand the funding process and the importance of why, rather than what, as the why is the reason you get backing. This therefore meant going through it with a fine toothpick in hope of creating a clearer and more focused model. Alongside this he reiterated the importance of Johnny, the rates reliefs scheme and opportunities that the scheme provides would fit in perfectly with when testing my model.
The plan for the rest of the day was to do technical work for the radio show, specifically running the livestream. We finally managed to run the livestream which was brilliant as we could use our new medium of steaming for the Tavistock festival. The work entailed, videoing the event, making sure the stream was running at a high enough standard and that the footage was consistent in style and quality.